Rules & Regulations
Rules & Regulations
- Students must come to school every day in proper uniform.
- Every student must carry the school diary to the school on all working days. No student is allowed to tear any page from this diary nor is he/she permitted to use it as rough exercise book.
- Every student must be in time for the assembly as well as for the classes. Latecomers are not allowed to enter the class without the permission of the Principal.
- Students should, at all times show respect and reverence to the school authorities and the staff. They should be gentle and polite to their companions.
- Students should obey the school head boy, head girl, house leaders, class leaders and other students on duty.
- Students are reminded that they must be in perfect silence during the assembly and in the class rooms. No shouting, howling or whistling is allowed in the school premises. Teasing fellow students is strictly forbidden.
- Students should come to school in the prescribed uniform. The uniform should be maintained well and children should be dressed in clean and well fitted uniforms.
- Every student is expected to be neat and clean in his person, dress and surroundings. Those who come to school with untidy dress, hair etc. will be refused admission.
- Students are responsible for the safe custody of their own books or belongings. No jewellery gold chains, gold rings, expensive watches or ornaments of any kind shall be worn by the student in the school.
- No student should write or scribble on any wall in the school premises.
- Any damage done to the school property or to that of other students will have to be made good by the one who has done it.
- Change of address/Phone Number of parents/guardians should be notified to the office immediately.
- As the medium of instruction is English, students should not talk in any other language in the school premises.
- Students must submit their homework/assignment/project on time. Parents/guardians must see that their children do their home work regularly.
- Children will not be allowed in the school if taken leave unless there is a reasonable leave letter.
- In case of any complaints, parents are requested to contact the Principal directly.
- When communicating with school authorities, parents are requested to mention their ward’s name, class and division.
- No student should leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal. In case of emergency, the parent or any other responsible person known to the school authorities can take the students.
- To discuss the improvement in studies, Open House will be conducted after every exam. It is mandatory for each parent to come and sign their ward’s report card.
- Books other than text books or school library books, magazines and comic books should not be brought to the school premises.
- Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones, Toys, Video games or any other objects that cause disturbance to the school.
- Lending or borrowing of money and other articles is strictly forbidden in school.
- Lending or borrowing of money and other articles is strictly forbidden in school.
- No student suffering from any contagious or infectious disease will be allowed to attend school.
- All children should be particularly careful not to throw any papers, seed etc. on the floor, in the class rooms or in the compound. The waste paper basket should be used for that purpose.
- Students should always remember that the name of the school depends on each one’s good behaviour and that they are real AMBASSADORS of the school. So their behaviour inside and outside the school should be excellent and praiseworthy
- It is compulsory to be present on all occasions such as Independence day, Republic day, Gandhi Jayanthi and other school functions.
- The authorities may enact new rules in future for the efficient management of the school. These guidelines are also to be followed.
- Parents are welcome to visit the school. However, they are requested not to enter the classrooms during school hours. They are asked to contact administrative office and not to the teachers.