
Recurring Deposits

Recurring deposits inculcate the habit of savings in the society. Recurring Deposits help investors set aside a small portion of their earnings every month. Unlike other monthly investment schemes like systematic investment plans offered by mutual funds, these deposits offer guaranteed returns. We provide higher Interest Rates on RD and can withdrawn anytime without losing any Interest rate.

Monthly Investment Period Interest Total Amount Deposited Grand Total
500 12 months 10% 6000 6325
‘’ 24 months 11% 12000 13375
‘’ 36 months 12% 18000 21330
1000 12 months 10% 12000 12650
‘’ 24 months 11% 24000 26750
‘’ 36 months 12% 36000 42660
5000 12 months 10% 60000 63250
‘’ 24 months 11% 120000 133750
‘’ 36 months 12% 180000 213300

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